Worthy Page 9
I’m sexually frustrated at the moment, but it is a fate I will gladly accept. At this point, we are tied one-to-one. I cannot give him the upper hand. I have other resources to get the job done.
Gavin pulls me close and kisses me hard. He is kissing me like it is his last wish, and he definitely tastes himself. His intensity and passion throw me off. As the kiss begins to slow down, I pull away.
I’m in a cluster of confusion. So many things were said between us with that kiss. It showed his desperate need for me. The pleasure he wants to get from my body. The feelings he is trying to express to me. I am good enough for him, and worthy of him. The kiss made me feel like I am everything to him and more.
There is a moment of silence between us; neither of us knows what to do next. I resort to what I do best, which is denial. Pretend nothing happened between us and carry on. I move the blanket over my legs, trying to get cozy on the couch. Gavin turns away, readjusting his dick in his pants.
“Movie....now tell me what you selected.”
“Your wish is my command.” Gavin moves the coffee table back to its original place, and I instantly go for my drink. I take a large gulp of wine, and the glass is half empty. Gavin selects the movie from the Netflix queue. As the film starts, I see it’s directed by Adam Sandler. I am relieved to know it’s a comedy guaranteed to make me laugh. The movie is called Blended. I remember watching it before. Two single parents are forced to share a vacation together. I’m impressed Gavin picked not just a comedy but a romantic comedy. He pulls a bigger blanket off the back of the couch and gestures for me to come toward him. I snuggle up with Gavin.
Apparently, I need to set some boundaries with him, especially with the after-dinner activity that occurred tonight. “No funny business, mister.”
Gavin shakes his head, probably wondering what he has gotten himself into with this wild woman. “No funny business, miss.”
Chapter 12
The movie was a great ending to our day. We laughed and enjoyed each other. I know tomorrow is coming, and I want no part of it. Spending time with Gavin has been great, and tomorrow morning changes everything. We will go back to being coworkers.
I’m not the type of girl who wants a long-term relationship, and Gavin is that kind of guy. When he told me I was the last woman who had been in his house, I was shocked, to say the least. I have enjoyed some one and dones since my stay at Gavin’s. I own my sexuality and have no guilt about the decisions I make regarding my sex life. The rules I have in place, they guard my heart. I know I would never survive someone else walking out on me. The damage my parents did to me erected a wire cage around my heart, keeping me from suffering more heartbreak.
I fold the blankets and make myself a glass of water in the kitchen. “Want anything to drink?”
“No, I’m good.” Gavin walks around the kitchen, making sure the dishwasher has completed his cycle.
“I’m going to head to bed, want to get some good rest before returning to slavery.”
“I’m the on-call therapist for tomorrow, so I will probably be in the emergency room. I got someone to cover me until you go in at 11:00 a.m.”
I walk to Gavin, leaving no distance between us. He would put his life on hold to make sure I am safe; I feel so treasured. “Today was a great day, Gavin, it couldn’t have been any better. Thanks for everything.” I appreciate it more than he will ever know. “Goodnight.” I kiss him gently on the lips and run my hand across his five o’clock shadow before going to my bedroom.
After being unable to sleep for two hours, frustration and agitation take over. I have three choices. I can go to another guest bedroom, sleep on the couch, or sleep with Gavin. I gather up my nerve to ask if I can sleep with him.
I travel through the house in silence greeted by moonlight through the skylight. Gavin’s door is wide open; maybe he expected my return to his bed. I stand there trying to decipher what my plan of action is going to be. Should I just ask him? Climb into the bed? I make the decision to do both. As I pull down the covers, I whisper, “Gavin, I can’t sleep.” His eyelids flutter open beautifully. He has the most beautiful sleepy expression. I think this is my favorite of all his looks.
“Sweetheart, come on in. You can sleep with me.” I settle in, leaving some distance between us. Then Gavin moves me so my back is against his chest, and he wraps his arms tightly around me. I take a deep breath, and relaxation settles in. Gavin informs me, “No funny business, ma’am.”
I chuckle quietly. “No funny business, mister.” I fall asleep thinking about how Gavin knows exactly what I need when I need it the most.
Chapter 13
The bright sun shining in the bedroom wakes me up like a bat out of hell. I left my phone in the spare bedroom. As I’m about to jump out of bed, Gavin grabs my arm. “Shit, I’m going to be late for work. Damn, I’m already in enough trouble.”
“It’s OK, it’s only 9:30 a.m.”
Instant relief takes over my body.
“We’ve got some time. Come on and lie back down. I promise to be on my best behavior.”
“I guess it depends on the type of best behavior.” I smile back in a mischevious way. I get myself comfy in bed, lying on my side facing Gavin. We leave enough distance between us so we don’t have to enjoy each other’s morning breath.
“I’m glad you came in here last night. I left the door wide open hoping you would come in.”
“I lay in bed for two hours unable to go to sleep. I can’t sleep very well when I’m not in my own bed.”
“If you say so, Jamie. Regardless, I’m pleased you joined me. I would feel even better if you would come back here after you get off work tonight.”
“Gavin, please. We have been over this, I need to get back to my life. Doug is not going to stop me from living it.”
Gavin shakes his head. He has to be wondering what this crazy girl is about. “I know when you get something in your head, you won’t let it go. I want to take you home after work today. I want to make sure the apartment is safe.”
“Regan is working with me until eleven o’clock tonight, and Grayson is going to bring me home and check out the apartment.” The disappointment shows clearly on his face.
The two of us having this conversation in his bedroom is too much intimacy for me. The anxiety is creeping up on me, and the fight-or-flight response wants to kick in.
“I want to make sure you’re safe, that’s the priority, Jamie. Just promise me that if you need anything, anything at all, you will ask me. What did you mean you’re in enough trouble?”
“Being mandated to the anger management group, and my tardiness is on the borderline of a write-up.” I hope he can accept this because I can’t get into everything with him. Gavin touches my cheek softly, and the goosebumps set in. My eyes close as he kisses me gently on the mouth. Gavin senses my anxiety and changes it up; he slaps my ass. “Time to get your hot ass together for work.”
I climb out of bed, wiggling my ass as I walk out of the bedroom, leaving him with plenty to think about before starting his day.
I know I picked nursing for a lot of reasons, but today I have one of the best explanations. After I put on my scrubs, I pull my wild curls on top of my head without a care in the world. I consider myself a fashionista. I love clothes, makeup, and shoes. I adore a beautiful pair of heels, and I admit without guilt I love shiny jewelry. But the simplicity of doing nothing to get ready for work is absolute perfection. Don’t get me wrong. Some days, I enjoy applying some makeup and styling my hair—just not very often.
The date invitations I get from work are the most sincere. I look like I just rolled out of bed, and they still want me. I have even enjoyed some sex at work, in hiding of course. Even my bestie doesn’t know about my hiding place. Yes, I’m one of those nursing cliches you see on TV. I fucked an orthopedic surgeon in a supply closet on a closed unit. Limited space didn’t affect that deal getting sealed. My other sexual encounter was with a professor who was supervising medical inte
rns. I had two interns following me for the day. Neither of them would ever make it as a doctor, believe me. I saw the signs of distress on their faces as they watched a vaginal exam being done. The professor apologized to me, letting me know he was excellent at vaginal exams. I allowed him to worship my vagina with oral sex in a conference room off the unit.
Gavin assumes it will take a long time for me to get ready for work, only to be disappointed. I have bagels and coffee available when he gets out of the shower. I wanted to make a bigger breakfast—I am loving his stocked fridge—but time is not on our side this morning.
Gavin comes out of the bathroom with a towel around his waist and droplets of water coming down his tanned back. I could effortlessly masturbate to the sight of him but, once again, not enough time in the schedule. I start to get pissed and, before I know it, I’m slamming the coffee cups on the counter.
“Jamie, what’s going on?”
“Nothing really, I’m just upset we don’t have time this morning.”
“Why do we need more time? You look ready for work.”
“I wanted to make an excellent breakfast today.”
Gavin walks into the kitchen, his towel still around his waist. “I think there is more to it.” He walks up to me, leaving no distance between us. The towel is barely hanging on, and I’m thoroughly distracted. “Jamie, is there something more?” He pushes his body up to me, and I can feel his dick through his towel. He drops his towel and places both hands on my breasts, massaging them.
“Fuck.” I step away from him.
Gavin chuckles. “Now, I just gave you a reason to come back.” He picks up his towel and walks to his bedroom to get ready for the day. I think Gavin Rodgers just one-upped me.
I manage to eat my bagel, and I place my bag in front of the door. I’m a little bit disappointed, to tell you the truth. Feeling this way puts things in perspective. Gavin makes me want more, and I know from experience that I will end up being hurt.
Gavin stands for everything that I’m not. He is the white picket fence, and I’m the dilapidated house in the hood. The clarity of the moment is precisely what I needed, but not necessarily what I wanted. I tidy up the kitchen, making sure I leave no mess for Gavin or his housekeeper to clean up.
“Ready to head out,” he says. “We can stop at Starbucks to get some coffee to take to work?”
I look down at my phone, double checking the time. I’m ready to get out of here. “Sure, I think we have enough time. Just promise me we won’t be late for work.”
“I promise to have you at work on time, and no funny business, ma’am.” I could easily get distracted by this man this morning. He is wearing black dress pants, a white dress shirt with the sleeves rolled up on his forearms, and a fancy pair of Italian dress shoes. I love how a guy’s hair takes no effort. Gavin’s hair looks like he just put his hands through it. Yet, it’s perfection. He picks up my bag and heads out to his car.
“If you want to leave your bag in my trunk while you're working, you can get it when you get off.” Gavin pulls out of his garage, and we exit his gated community. He turns his radio on to ESPN radio. He is completely enthralled with the baseball scores from last night, and I’m grateful we don’t have to talk. I just close my eyes and enjoy the ride.
Gavin orders our coffee without asking me what I want, and I close my eyes during the rest of the trip to work. I could take a nap. The next twelve hours are going to make for a long day.
Gavin rubs my arm gently to wake me. “Hey sleepyhead, we're here.”
I sit up straighter and undo my seatbelt. “I guess I could have used some more sleep this morning. I don’t want to bother you; I’m not even sure I will get out on time today. I will just place the bag in my locker; I have enough room for it.” I can see the disappointment on his face, but he accepts my decision.
I’m about to get out of his truck, but Gavin stops me. “Jamie, I wanted to say I enjoyed having you at my house. You are more than welcome to come back, anytime. I want to hear you are checking in with Regan and Grayson.”
I nod. Gavin leans in, giving me a kiss on the cheek. “Thanks, Gavin,” I whisper.
As we walk toward the emergency room, he carries my bag even though I insisted otherwise. As we approach the doors, he places his hand in the middle of my back. “Have a good day,” he says as he hands me my bag. “Call me if you need anything, Jamie. I will see you in a couple of days for anger management.”
I want to go fucking caveman on Jamie’s ass at this moment. I can’t stand the thought of her going back to that damn apartment tonight. I have all these wild thoughts in my head about things that could happen to her. But the more pressure I apply, the worse she rebels. She reminds me of a wildcat.
The two days spent at my house were terrific. I can already tell she is a significant person in my life. If I had my way, I would lock her in my castle and never let her go. I can imagine spending a lot of time with her for the rest of my life. I just have to prove to her that I’m the man she needs.
I have been trying to formulate a plan for how to handle Doug. I can’t go off the hook. I won’t even let him know that anything is bothering me. If Doug doesn’t know how I feel about Jamie, I might get more information from him. I will continue to be his wingman, and I will keep Jamie safe if it’s the last thing I do. I want to give Jamie a heads-up about my plan, so I decide to text her.
Gavin: U busy?
Jamie: Just getting Express Care ready for the day, what’s up?
Gavin: Have you seen Doug today?
Jamie: No.
Gavin: Cool. I’m going to act like everything is the “usual” between us. I want to get
more information from him.
Jamie: I can see him getting cocky and telling you things. I hope he did not see you come
over to my house. If you find anything out, let me know.
Gavin: OK. Sounds good. Also, if you find anything out, let me know.
I sit in my office, frustrated about this whole situation with Jamie. I feel a lot better after texting her, but I can’t stop worrying. Her stubbornness knows no bounds. Jamie does what she wants when she wants it. I love that quality about her, but this is not the time for it. I can’t stand the possibility of anyone hurting her.
I call my contact at the police department, and I ask hospital security to keep an eye on Jamie in the E.R. today. I have a deal with Jason in security in exchange for a free pass to one of my anger management sessions. Sometimes you need to make a deal with the devil.
After making these phone calls, I feel a bit better, and I can finally focus on my psych assessments and prep for my next anger management class. Hopefully, this problem with Doug will end soon.
Chapter 14
The rest of my shift goes by in a blur. The emergency room is backed up most of the day. I’m able to talk to Regan, in passing, for three minutes. Otherwise, my time is entirely devoted to my patients. One patient is showing signs of a stroke, so she is transferred to the main emergency room. But the highlight of my day is hanging out with the plastic surgeon on call. I assist him in doing a beautiful job of suturing patients. They are lucky they didn’t get some shit resident.
I can’t wait to sit down and talk to Regan about my plastic surgery experience. I love the emergency room and what it represents, but I can seriously see myself working in a plastic surgeon’s office. It’s more than just watching bodies being glamorized; it’s about helping with well-deserved transformations. I haven’t felt this excited since I entered nursing school. I’m very enthusiastic about what this will mean to my career.
Regan and I meet up in the nurses’ lounge. Exhaustion is taking over both of us. There is no doubt we earned our money today. “Ready to head out?” I ask.
“Yes, I need to grab my lunch. I didn’t get to eat today. Grayson is already outside waiting for us.” I go to my locker to get my bag, and I see a note sitting on it. I immediately recognize the handwriting. I ope
n the letter.
Dear Jamie:
I enjoyed the time we spent together, I would rather be seeing you in that see-through white bikini. I definitely know I will miss you sleeping next to me the most. I think you might need this to go home.
I am smiling. I appreciate his sweet words, especially after the day I had today. I know Gavin doesn’t like my choice to go back home, but at least he respects my decision.
“What’s the note on the locker? Oh my God, it’s from Doug. Don’t touch it, Jamie.” Regan is beginning to get hysterical. I have to stop her before it becomes a shitshow.
“The note is from Gavin. I can tell from the handwriting.”
Regan takes a few deep breaths trying to calm herself down. She is a little off today. I will make a point of asking her about it later. I grab my bag. “Let’s blow this popsicle stand.” Regan and I can’t get out of here fast enough, but at least I’m leaving with a smile on my face.
We exit through the main doors and are immediately greeted by Grayson. “Hello ladies, your chariot awaits you.” Grayson is picking us up in his F-150 Extended Cab truck. Regan gets in the front seat. I can tell she has plenty of practice getting into his monster truck. For me, getting into the backseat is like climbing Mount Everest.
Sitting in the back watching them, my happiness is overwhelming. They’re genuinely happy to see each other after a long day, and their love is on full display. “Are you OK with going home?” Grayson asks. “You can stay with us.”
“Umm...when did you move in with Regan?” I ask him in a teasing manner.
“I stay at least four to five days a week, I’m practically living there.”
“Thanks, guys, but I need to go home and get back into the routine of things. I didn’t see Doug today so, hopefully, he has let this go.” We listen to the radio during the remainder of the ride to my apartment. We didn’t want to think about what Doug could be capable of; none of us were ready to have that discussion.